The Department has a number of active committees that engage department members in various tasks including department administration, teaching, and community involvement.
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee evaluates applications and adjudicates the annual Mathematics and Thomas R. Scott Awards. Current active members are Clark Loveridge and Yun Yoo.
Curriculum Commitee
The Curriculum Committee oversees curricular matters, especially as it pertains the creation of material in order to help placement of students into courses and help verify that they satisfy certain prerequisites to successfully perform in mathematics courses. Current members include Arkady Kitover (chair), Joanne Darken, Dan Jacobson, Elena Kublanova, Clark Loveridge and David Santos.
Hiring Commitee
The College Math Hiring Committee evaluates the credentials and interviews candidates for Full Time and Visiting Lectureship positions. Current members are Atish Bagchi (chair), Reid Huntsinger, Jose Mason and Yun Yoo.
Hiring Committee for Developmental Math
Current members are Brenton Webber (chair), Jere Brubaker, Lila Hudoba, Geoff Schulz and Paula White.
Arithmetic, Math 016
The committee is responsible for looking for changes that would improve the overall teaching results in Math 016. The current committee members are Margaret Hitzcenko (chair), Atish Bagchi, Gail Chaskes, Dorothy French, Lila Hudoba, Reid Huntsinger, Wimayra Luy and Geoffry Schulz.
Elementary Algebra, Math 017
The current committee members are Margaret Hitzcenko (chair), Atish Bagchi, Gail Chaskes, Dorothy French, Lila Hudoba, Clark Loveridge, Wimayra Luy, David Santos and Geoffry Schulz.
Pre-Calculus, Math 161/162
The Precalculus Committee considers business relating to Math 161 and 162, such as changes in the courses or their texts, and makes recommendations to the department. It also facilitates discussion of matters involving the courses. The "precalculators" discussion group can be accessed from the "groups" tab in myccp.
The current committee members are Joanne Darken (chair), Elena Chertok, Jim Diskin, Dorothy French, Ji Gao, Ketill Ingolfsson, Arkady Kitover, David Santos and Geoff Schulz.