Welcome to the Community College of Philadelphia Math Department. We are a dedicated team of thirty five full-time and over fifty adjunct faculty, who teach a variety of academic courses ranging from developmental mathematics, arithmetic and elementary algebra, to more advanced courses such as linear algebra and differential equations. We offer lecture, computer aided, and online classes. We are aided by a learning lab that offers workshops as well as free one-on-one tutoring.
We strive to provide quality mathematics education to all students, in order to both prepare them with the skills and concepts required for their course of study, and to develop critical thinking, problem solving and mathematical knowledge. We offer a program of study for an AS degree in Mathematics.
Most first time students who plan to enroll in Mathematics courses are required to take a placement test to determine their appropriate starting point.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at 215-751-8430.
Brenton Webber
Department Chair